About Me

 hey there


I’m a wife and mom who loves Disney, summer, country music & good ol’ mountain air!

If I’m not behind my camera or trying my best to keep 4 pretty cute humans alive, you can usually find me out and about at Costco or Hobby Lobby… I’m a busy body so sitting around even when I have nothing planned isn’t really an option for me. People say I wear a lot of hats, but being present with my family is the most important thing to me. My love language is quality time and if I don’t get it, my husband says I get grouchy!

I’m blessed to be able to call Colorado home and spend a lot of time enjoying the mountain amenities with my family. If you ask me, I’ll never complain about taking a little road trip up to Estes for the day or popping down to Lake City for the 4th of July.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a sucker for a good love story which is probably why couples and new babies have become my niche. I suppose marrying your high school sweetheart and living your happily ever after for 16+ years will do that to a girl!

Speaking of husband..he is the handsome one pictured here and the “H” in J&H Photography. Overtime, my passion has become my part-time job and Hunter has supported me in all the things I have dreamt up in life. If we’re being honest, I’m pretty sure clients love him more than me, which is good because we like to make friends so you may be stuck with us afterwards.

You will always see authentic love, emotion and warmth in my photos because that’s what I’m most passionate about. If you feel the same, I can’t wait to see what we can create together!

Happiness is the richest thing we will ever own.
— Walt Disney

 I can’t imagine doing anything else

In all my life, I never saw myself as a photographer but in 2018, that all changed. At the time, I was serving the community as a birth doula and attending my 23rd birth. This family was in the midst of a yearlong military deployment and unsure what support mom was going to have come delivery time. When dad was unexpectedly able to return the night before, I had a few moments to grab a camera and capture their new chapter unfolding instead of just watching it myself. My creative niche took over and I was hooked at the sight of pausing that moment in time for them. Now, I can’t imagine myself doing anything else!

More About Me

Some of my favorite things:

  • My Family

  • GF Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • Disney

  • Christmas

  • Football

  • Movie: The Proposal

  • Texas Hill Country

  • Estes Park

  • Pepperoni Pizza

  • The Color Purple

  • Amazon Prime

  • Fixer Upper

  • Ford Broncos

  • Country Music

  • Cows

  • The Number 17

  • Organization

Some Not so favorite things:

  • Flying

  • Going to the carwash alone

  • Cooked vegetables

  • Infertility

  • Mornings

  • Snakes

  • Cooking

  • Coffee

  • Halloween

  • Wind!

  • Gardening